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Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Contact: Jen Nossokoff,

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Jen Nossokoff Announces Policy Proposal for Bollards at All Bus Stops in San Francisco

Candidate for District 1 Supervisor proposes physical protection for people taking public transportation following the killing of a family at a bus stop near West Portal Station and the injury of a person at a bus stop on Fulton Street within one week later

San Francisco, CA — District 1 supervisorial candidate Jen Nossokoff is proposing that the City install concrete or steel bollards to protect people at bus stops throughout San Francisco. The proposal comes a week after a family of four was killed while waiting at a bus stop near West Portal Station and days after a person was injured at a bus stop on Fulton Street in the Richmond District (District 1).


“Our city faces a roadway safety crisis and every roadway fatality and injury is preventable,” Nossokoff said in response to the recent crashes. “We must immediately make it safer for people to take public transportation while working on policy and infrastructure that will help more people shift trips away from cars to public transportation, biking, and walking.”


Nossokoff’s policy proposal would have bollards installed at all bus stops throughout the city, prioritizing stops for frequently used lines — like the 5/5R-Fulton and 38/38R-Geary — nearby schools, playgrounds, and senior centers, and grocery stores, and on the City’s “High-Injury Network.”


“People and families who are shifting trips away from cars are helping reduce car traffic and climate emissions, we should ensure that they are safe while they help our city address its roadway safety crisis and the climate crisis,” Nossokoff added. “Installing bollards at every bus stop is the least we can do to protect these people while they help our city. We have bollards to protect electrical boxes and it doesn’t make sense to not have them to protect people.”

In addition to protective infrastructure at every bus stop, Nossokoff also supports a comprehensive approach to street safety. This includes endorsing a citywide No Turn on Red policy to enhance pedestrian safety and backing Senator Scott Wiener’s SAFER (Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction) California Streets Package. This legislative package comprises SB 961, which would mandate intelligent speed assistance technology in all new vehicles to curb speeding, and SB 960, requiring 'Complete Streets' design standards on all state roads, such as Park Presidio Boulevard. Together, these measures aim to make California’s streets safer for everyone.



Jen Nossokoff is a candidate for District 1 Supervisor. She is a parent of two young children in the Richmond District, licensed medical provider, and gun violence prevention advocate. Her campaign website can be found at

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